Monday 6 May 2013

memories that I would cherish throughout my life....

Everybody in the world are blessed with beautiful memories to cherish although their life. Even though I miss my school days but collected few memories that I would cherish throughout my life. One of which I remember when we (my friends Monika, Pritika, & Nancy) used to find excuses to bunk the college and go to each others house to relax and chill out. One of the memory  which I can recall and brings smile to my and all my friends face was the day when we went to Monika’s place as she was not well and we gave surprise by visiting her to her place. She was shocked to see all of us n happy to. We thought to chill and relax at her place so all of us jumped to her bed and slept. We all decided to narrate stories. When it was time for Monika to narrate, it was too long story and even so boring that we slept in the middle of the story. When we got up it was late for us to leave for home. So we rushed back home and still when we think  about that day it brings smile to our face and hope we all collect few more memories to overwhelm us....

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